Some Things that I know the devils changed in the bible to confuse us.
God means Father,The Elohim or Power
The Elohim includes "Yahawah, Ha Mashayach (Christ,Greek) and the Angels. They were there at creation.
LORD(uppercase) means Yahawah, Yahweh, Yahuwah, Ahayah.
Lord (lowercase) means master, Ahdan, Ahdanaya, orThe most High
Jesus is actually Greek for Joshua or Yahushua,Yahoshua or Oshea which is his name; Ha Mashayach (Christ) Yahwahshi. being his title. His mother named him Hoshea which was changed to Yahoshua during his ministry. After is death he became "Ha Machayach Yahawahshi" because of his relationship with Yahawah.
Some interesting Facts about The Hebrew Israelite tribe of Judah
Any so-called Negro person in any part of the word outside of Africa is more than likely the tribe of Judah; which was the only tribe prophecised to have been dispersed throughout the world. The other ten tribes escaped into Africa where they mixed and blended with the people. However there are still some tribes in Africa that are full blooded Hebrew Israelite; for example, the Lemba Tribe have not mixed blood in thousand of years.
However, if we have 3 negro fathers (father, grandfather, great-grandfather) we are Hebrew Israelite bloodline.
King James Version 1611 Bible (KJV) with Apocrypha
We all are Judah.
Shaloam! where do I start to fight wickedness or where or chapters for protection? my email is himselfca@gmail.com!
DeleteRomans 13:9 is a great starting place.